Friday, 4 May 2012
New 2mm Blocks from Irregular: First Look
A first look now at the new 2mm blocks available from Irregular Miniatures - to whit the just produced BG35 to BG38 in the Horse and Musket era range, consisting of a 52 man march column in four files, an eight horse block in column of twos, a foot command group with flag, and finally separate flags that may be attached to flag-less blocks.
These recent innovations by Ian Kay and the gang in part came about via consultations with the wider public on the 2mm Yahoo Group and elsewhere, and reflect, I think, a new found popularity for the tiniest of scale miniatures, and increasing interest in expanding the long-available range of blocks.
The photos in this post are of 'fresh-out-of-the-pack' minis, and I think illustrate that these new blocks are very cleanly defined, sculpted and cast, with none of the hard casting remnants that you sometimes find under some of Irregular's blocks; there is a suggestion of flash here and there, but it is soft and easily filed away.
Of course as a self-declared fan of 1/900th and smaller miniatures, I'm very excited to see these new blocks on the scene, and am looking forward to writing them into my future Orders of Battle requirements, but I'll try to be as objective as possible as I describe my first impressions here.
Miniatures of this size are notoriously difficult to photograph, so I don't think I've fully done them justice, but for what it's worth, all photos should be clickable for a larger, zoomed 'Macro' view.
So let's go through them one by one, starting with the separately cast flags, BG38 - one seen here below propped next to a BG14 Inf in 2 ranks (26 figs) block:
The idea of having individual flags was born out of the common practice amongst gamers of filing off the cast-on flags from various blocks in order to employ them in differing formations and periods, and particularly when depicting formations outside the constraints of the individual blocks by combining multiples on bases - these new flags should give a great deal of flexibility on this score.
These are nicely proportioned as a whole, but are definitely over-sized when compared with the flags that are integrally sculpted with the blocks; this came about from a consensus that the original flags can be hard to paint in a meaningful way, so although they won't please everyone, I think they strike a good balance between practicality and overall scaling; see what you think when compared with a BG33 Inf in 2 ranks (52 figs) block:
Moving on now to the BG37 Command stand including flag; this on an unusual triangular base, that is designed to match with the head of the new marching column:
The sculpt is a group of foot figures clustered around the central flag, and is on the small side, with I think, consequences for the clarity of the figures therein; seen from the side:
and from the front:
I think these are quite charismatic, and have more than a whiff of the famous flag raising by US Marines on Iwo Jima so iconically captured on film, but being small, lack a bit of impact; in any event, however, the triangular shape will definitely be effective in visually delineating the orientation of based units, something that even the most ardent fan of 2mm will admit can be difficult at table-top distances....
Next up we have the BG36 eight man Cavalry Column, which I think is definitely the best of the bunch, great proportions, visible sabres held at the ready and horse blankets/accoutrements at the rear of the riders:
As with all of the new blocks, these have beautiful smooth clean undersides, and are ready to go straight onto the painting table - one slight niggle? - If I was forced into a corner I might say the modest proportions of the headgear - these are more on the kepi-wearing side of things rather than, say, Hussars, but that really is nit-picking at this size of sculpt.
Finally, let's look at the BG35 marching Column, seen here from the side, and moving from right to left; that sounds like an exaggeration, but close examination of these blocks will reveal a quartet of command figures at the head of the column, and the arms and legs of the marching soldiers behind:
These photos really don't represent them as clearly as I would like, and my old eyes are not what they were, but there is definitely a drummer to be seen beating time at the head of these marching men:
Whether I can actually do this kind of detail any justice, of course, remains to be seen, but in line with the surprising level visible amongst the rest of Irregular's 2mm offerings, I am sure there will be much to keep any miniaturist busy, and overall, these new blocks are a very welcome addition to the line as it currently stands.
Overall impressions of these new blocks are entirely positive - yes, I might have preferred a larger command group, perhaps with a mounted figure to the side, but I was very impressed by the clear and characterful sculpting on show - these are no mere afterthoughts, but a a valuable addition to the existing range.
It is my fervent hope that the level of interest we consumers show in buying up these little masterpieces will help to encourage Ian to produce more of the same; there are suggestions that some of the existing blocks might be offered as an option without the cast-on flags, and I know some new 2mm terrain is in the offing, so don't be shy and be sure to spread the word - the more we pester Irregular, the more we are likely to see appear!
I like them!