Sunday 28 August 2022

15mm Dungeon: Tombs !


I’ve got a bit obsessed with the Tomb scenery that I created recently, and have been busy making additional pieces for the dungeon when I should be progressing the completed figure count…..oh well…it’s just that these small items are fun and easy to make, so I got a bit distracted…..

I realised that no self-respecting Liche Lord / entombed mummified Wizard would be seen dead (geddit ?) without a pair of sentries, so I painted up a pair of the skeletons from Alternative Armies to go alongside the already completed ones:

These skellies are on the smaller side in terms of heft and height when seen alongside the Guard figures, so I thought they would be fine for installing in some alcoves to stand watch over their ‘former’ master:

I think I had more success with the rusted and ageing effects than with the other skeletons, and tried to make them more mummified-looking than re-animated:

 I also attempted to echo the red palette used on the mummy and his throne for their armour and shields, and carved out two rough niches from blue foam as their guard posts:

These went so well, that I went ahead and added two flanking pieces as sort of catacombs or ossuaries, with some spare skulls and weapons/shields - again, carved out of blue foam, weathered, and with a few symbols  in a long dead language to adorn the walls:


I think I’ll add some additional bits and bobs to them in time, I have more de-articulated bones and weapons lurking in the lead pile somewhere…..

Next up, realising that I already had their occupants wandering free, I made some actual tombs:

These free standing tombs will populate the dungeon chamber - just offcuts of foam mounted on plasticard and suitably weathered, accessorised, and with some suggestions of long-worn inscriptions:

So, the Liche Lord is now well taken care of, with his own des-res to inhabit, and lots of companions to cater to his needs, so next time I’ll be turning to more inhabitants of the dungeon, mostly of a green or yellow persuasion, and hopefully moving the figure count closer to where we can start to see the cast and crew at play……

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